Our process is powered by a range of methodologies
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Delivers a global perspective on culture as the force that ultimately shapes markets and business success.
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Gemic examines the effect of various economic phenomena on everyday life and consumption patterns. This allows us to develop credible forecasts that support corporate leaders in devising unique strategic directions with confidence.
History and semiotics
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Uncovers the subtle, often hidden influences that shape consumer relationships with brands by delivering a deep dive into the historical and contemporary signs and symbols of cultures around the world.
Political Science
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Allows us to understand different worldviews, belief systems, and consumer patterns in an era of increasingly political consumption. We deploy both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
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To understand what drives change, we need the fullest context possible. The study of anthropology gives us a truly global and historical perspective on the cultural and technological forces that shape markets and ultimately business success.
Human Geography
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Helps our clients understand and act on the shifting human populations that shape the future of healthcare, mobility, financial services, real estate, and social living both in and beyond the city.